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撸先生AV Man of the Year Nominees 2019 | Jets | 撸先生AV.com


Jonotthan Harrison



Jonotthan Harrison has continuously shown his commitment to the nation's bullying crisis. Through his willingness to reflect on and be open about his own experiences of being bullied as a youth, Jon has been able to raise awareness about this issue through social media and speaking engagements. As a result, Jon has helped bring the conversation about bullying to the forefront and encourage youth to become educated on the signs of bullying and what they can do to help prevent it from happening to their peers. Jon's passion for this campaign led him to become a Global Ambassador for Stomp Out Bullying, the largest anti-bullying organization non-profit in the country. Through this partnership, he has been able to reach those who need to hear his story the most by regularly speaking with and talking with kids at schools. He even has a direct line to youth needing a friend through Cameo, a website where Jon can send youth personal messages of inspiration and talk about what they're going through. Jon continues to be the face of anti-bullying by speaking on the topic at school events, podcasts, radio shows and other media platforms. Most recently he was interviewed by PIX11 about his experience as an ambassador with Stomp Out Bullying.

Jon can walk into a room and people will listen. He is committed to the anti-bullying message and showing that all people deserve kindness and respect. Jon is constantly sharing that message to those he speaks to. Through his close work with the Jets and Stomp Out Bullying, Jon has been able to speak multiple times and has committed to raising funds for Stomp Out Bullying.

Growing up, Jon was bullied frequently. He allows people to see the real Jon by telling the story of a youth who was overweight, in marching band, and tormented daily, until he became a football player. Though Jon admits that being bullied was hard, he developed a tough skin and learned to ignore what other people said about him. As a result, Jon was able to accomplish his goals and focus on his career and passions. He is now not only a professional athlete, but an offensive lineman who commands attention with his size and presence. With that said, Jon is the most genuine and kind person around. To this day, Jon identifies with those who are bullied and is able to relate to them about his experiences and how he has persevered. Not only does Jon talk to them, but he is a great role model to kids by encouraging, supporting, and listening to them when he talks 1-on-1 with kids at schools and through Cameo. When speaking with kids, Jon talks about how we are all different, but that we are all important and that everyone deserves kindness. Having a role model like Jonotthan Harrison is something every kid needs. "To everyone feeling alone and who feels like a victim of bullying: don't let them get to you! Keep pushing through because you are an important person! Reach out to your peers for advice and help. You are never in this alone, and there are always people around you that are on your side. It's time to stomp out bullying, and that starts with you." - Jonotthan Harrison

Jon is on the social media platform Cameo where he sends fans private messages encouraging them to keep persisting and to rise above their bullies. All proceeds benefit Stomp Out Bullying. In addition, Jon is planning an anti-bullying event this offseason in partnership with Stomp Out Bullying. In school, Jon was someone who was targeted for his weight and for his interests in activities like band. He was able to push past the negativity and harassment from his peers by focusing on football and his other interests, ultimately becoming a successful professional athlete with a drive for helping others and giving back. By sharing his story and educating youth on the negatives of bullying, Jon has been able to turn something that was a negative in his life for so long into a passion, with the goal of eliminating bullying and making sure no one else has to go through what he had to. He recognizes that youth today are dealing with bullying in even more ways than before, through social media and in-person harassment. Jon is committed to keeping the conversation about bullying in the forefront of the public, with the sole goal of stomping out bullying.