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Vikings 2024 Fan of the Year | 撸先生AV.com

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Minnesota Vikings


Betsy Fine

When awarded with her Minnesota Vikings Fan of the Year jersey at the elementary school where she teaches, Betsy immediately started sobbing and expressed how she wasn't deserving of this award. She insisted they made a mistake, even though Betsy is the very reason her husband, children, family and friends fell in love with football. Selfless and humble, that's exactly the kind of person Betsy Fine is.

Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Betsy bleeds purple and gold. A mother of two and caretaker of everyone, Betsy has dedicated her life to supporting others and, in her free time, being the biggest Vikings fan there is. Betsy has served as a public elementary school teacher for 35 years. When she isn't teaching, she's supporting her family and aiding students on their post-secondary endeavors through her own small business.

Betsy is the ultimate Vikings fan. Her grandfather was an original bondholder for the Vikings inaugural season in 1961, and the season tickets have remained in the family ever since. Her football family spans three generations 鈥 her parents, herself and her daughters, who all attend games together. Betsy never misses an opportunity to root for her favorite team. She is at every home game, training camp session, and has even started the tradition of traveling with her younger daughter to support the Vikings at stadiums across the country. That daughter she raised to follow in her footsteps, as her first words were "touchdown" and "first down" 鈥 no joke!

As she dons her earrings made with Minneapolis Miracle turf, Betsy lives and breathes Minnesota Vikings football. Listening to football podcasts and watching football shows, always wearing her favorite color (you guessed it, purple!) and even attending the local radio station KFAN's "Friday Football Feast" ahead of the next week's game. Betsy spreads love and joy wherever she goes and is truly the perfect person to represent the Vikings as their 2024 Fan of the Year. SKOL!