Matt Algeri
My name is Matt Algeri, and I have been a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for almost 30 years. So, only being 43 years old myself, that's well over half my life. As a child, I was primarily a fan of the sport I played, baseball. I lost interest due to the "strikes and steroids" in the early 90's. I then redirected my attention to my family's passion, football. As a result of being raised around New York Giants fans, at a young age, I was introduced to the "Love of Football" through the presence of Lawrence Taylor. I loved "LT" and his "hard hitting" style of defense. In 1995, my cousin was a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Swashbuckler (cheerleader) and gave me the opportunity to attend my first Buccaneer home game. I still remember how it felt sitting in the "Old Sombrero" amongst some of the best fans cheering on and witnessing Tampa Bay beat the, then division rival, Minnesota Vikings 20-17 in an overtime win. It was that day that I realized the difference between any other sport and football. It was at that moment, that I became a Tampa Bay Buccaneers Fan. In 1995 we drafted Warren Sapp and Derrick Brooks who together with John Lynch and later Ronde Barber created a defense that stood alone.
Being completely committed to the "ups & downs" of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and always being known for displaying my "over the top" passion and excitement for my team, I decided to create myself a "fan" nickname. After some thought, and being totally "nuts (nutz)" about my team, I figured why not put the team name and being nutz about them together, hence the name Bucnutz. For years, it was only a name on the back of my jersey. However, after I received some words of encouragement from a fellow fanatical fan, the legend "BIG NASTY," I decided to take my passion to the next level. He also challenged me to use this passion to make a difference in our community. Applying my artistic ability and inspiration from a favorite wrestler while growing up, I created my face paint design and the persona "BUCNUTZ" emerged.
While the 2002 season in a whole was an amazing experience, my life was changed as a person and a fan in 2007. I started dating my now wife, in April of 2007. She attended her first Bucs game with me and being a "casual fan," I saw that about to change. The December 6th game against the Atlanta Falcons, we witnessed history.
Nine minutes into the 512th game, after 1,865 fruitless attempts, Atlanta Falcons kicked off what they thought would be an ordinary return. The kick not only resulted in 6 points but made Tampa Bay Buccaneers history as our very first kick return in the team's 32-year existence. The feeling in the stands as Micheal Spurlock crossed the white line facing us in our end zone was indescribable. After I collected myself, I looked over at her and realized she got it, making it the most memorable moment in sports for me. The rest, as they say, is history.
2007 was also the year I received the honor of's Fan of the Year. I was still new in my journey as a superfan at that time but was honored nonetheless, and never imagined how this all would escalate.
In 2009, I was introduced to "What the Buc?" The passion behind this group of fans can be put up against any in the league. I found my home! We created a space for fans of all kinds to cheer on their teams, eat, drink and party safely. The WTB tailgate is now a sought-after destination for fans all around. So, we thought how can we do this and make an impact at the same time: Tailgating with a Purpose was created. All our proceeds go to local charities. This landed us in the Tailgate Hall of Fame in 2012. Together we've done some amazing things. When "What the Buc?" Really Matters was founded, it gave fans like me a platform to be able to reach out to our community. Cheering for your team is one thing, turning that into inspiration to a child in need, to raise awareness for so many different causes, or to help boost fandom to the next generation is another.
One of my favorite things about being FANactical is all the charity/volunteer work I have been able to do on my own and through the What the Buc Really Matters "movement." Over the years as a team, we have raised over $500,000 and countless items for our local community like OneVoice Foundation, Feeding Tampa Bay, Jackson in Action, The Spring of Tampa Bay, Habitat for Humanity and so many more.
One of my most favorite moments was during a OneVoice Foundation event called "Clowns In Gowns," where I was asked to paint the children's faces. Going into this event I thought I would be painting footballs and butterflies. Instead, I got spiders and snakes, even from the little girls. As each child sat down in the chair next to me, they began telling me their story. The positivity that came from each kid going through the unimaginable was so eye opening. And although every child stood out to me that night, there was one little boy named Nick whose courage and positive outlook on life was astonishing. Nick has gone through surgery after surgery, and treatment after treatment. As I listened to him playfully talk to me and his friends around, I let him know that it was his turn and asked what he'd like. He wanted me to cover up his scar on his head with a dragon. Taken back I asked why, he responded "There's nothing I'm afraid of and what better way to show that then to have you put a fierce dragon at the source of my illness." Trying to collect myself, I did as he asked.
My passion for outreach continues into my personal life as well. My wife and I were asked to be the outreach coordinators at our church. We schedule each opportunity, set up volunteers, and lead events. The organization that sticks out the most to me is Sleep in Heavenly Peace. I've been working alongside them for over 6 years now making sure no child sleeps on the floor. Together we build and deliver beds to families in need.
The efforts I'm able to put forth in my community, and for countless causes mean more to me than cheering on my team. One's true worth is the good that they do in this world for others. For alone, we cannot change the world, but we can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples that make this world we live in a better place long after we are gone. When you can do both it's a feeling, I try to promote every chance I get.
2015 was a special year for me. At the 撸先生AV Hall of Fame in Canton, OH I was inducted into the Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association (PFUFA). This is where I got to walk side-by-side with the greatest fans from all 32 teams in the league, to learn even more about how to conduct yourself in a professional manner, promote a safe and fun live game experience, and of course giving back. Being a part of the PFUFA has elevated my fandom to a whole new level.
In recent years, getting the opportunity to be home for a Super Bowl and hosting the largest tailgate right next door was an experience I wish I could give to every fan. Being able to watch my team win and celebrate that win with over 500 friends and fans was one of the most special times I've had as a Tampa Bay Buccaneer fan.
I'm a full-time fan, rain or shine, win or lose. My hope is to inspire and promote to the next generation of fans to be a die-hard Buccaneers fan, that demonstrates good sportsmanship, fellowship of fans, and to make a difference in their community.