Erikka Resendiz
Erikka Resendiz: I believe I represent a different type of fan that isn't always represented. I represent a fan that wasn't born into a family that loves this team. In fact, I was born into a family that loves a division rival. I grew up in Philadelphia, the daughter of a die-hard Eagles fan. I went to several games at the Linc growing up and watched the Eagles on my TV nearly every Sunday. I never loved football though, and never considered myself much of a fan. I met my now husband, Josh, when I was a freshman in high school, and we started dating when I was a sophomore. Josh grew up in the same area outside of Philadelphia that I did, but he was the grandson of an immigrant. His grandfather came to this area with no ties to the area, and certainly no football team to root for. All of his sons randomly picked an 撸先生AV team to cheer on. My husband's father chose Washington, and the rest is history. Loving Josh was easy, and loving Josh meant loving the Washington Commander. His passion rubbed off on me, and over the years they were no longer just his team; they were our team, my team. While it may seem easier to continue as a fan of the local team, I really have no choice but to love the team that sparks passion for me.
Read more about the Commander nominee .
Discover Erikka's Journey to Becoming Washington's Fan of the Year Nominee .