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Inspire Change | 撸先生AV Social Justice Initiative | 撸先生AV


Wall Street Bound

Wall Street Bound's (WSB) mission is to provide diverse young adults with the skills, experience, and social capital that empower them to reach their full potential through "front office" financial service careers.

Grant Partner Since: 2022

撸先生AV Funding Supports:

  • Intro to Wall Street Bootcamps, a 20 - 25 hour capital markets and finance career path introduction, held virtually or live on college and university campuses nationwide.
  • Wall Street Direct, a rigorous, 10 week (150 hr) technical "hard" and professional skills training, preparing college students and recent graduates for internship and job opportunities in the financial services industry.
  • The 174 students enrolled in Wall Street Bound financial services industry training.
  • Recruitment and marketing planning and execution on a national and local level including recruitment events on college campuses and other marketing efforts.
Wall Street Bound