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Inspire Change | 撸先生AV Social Justice Initiative | 撸先生AV



Criminal Justice Reform

VOTE is a grassroots organization founded and run by formerly incarcerated people (FIP), and their families and allies. They are dedicated to restoring the full human and civil rights of those most impacted by the criminal justice system and to improve public safety in Louisiana and beyond without relying on mass incarceration.

Grant Partner Since: 2019

撸先生AV Funding Supports:

  • VOTE's voting initiatives, which reached nearly two million voters in Louisiana (via literature drops, porch conversations, phone calls, and social media engagement) and encouraged residents to vote in 2020, with an emphasis on judicial and district attorney races.
  • Continued advocacy efforts to reform Louisiana's voter registration law, with an emphasis on registering individuals with a felony conviction, and VOTE's engagement with the Secretary of State, Governor, Department of Corrections and local registrars to lead a mainstream shift in support for voting rights for all people, and the political willpower to amend, simplify, and clarify the law.
  • VOTE's response to the COVID-19 pandemic among prisons by serving as the direct hub of communication between incarcerated persons, their families, lawyers, media, elected officials and the Department of Corrections.